Tools Menu
The tools menu is a dropdown menu located in the toolbar at the top of the screen. Certain options are only available from specific containers/stages. Options unavailable from the current stage will be grayed out.
Download Narrative Template - This option allows you to download a Microsoft Word (.doc) version of the narrative. Internet Explorer will give the option to open or save the document.
Pay Grades - This option establishes a salary range for each imported pay grade in all plans in the current container (if pay grades are used) by determining the minimum and maximum salary in each pay grade.
Sort Report Job Groups - This option allows you to apply any report’s job group order to all reports within a plan container. In order to utilize this function, a rollup plan containing all job groups present in all plans must be used. Once the rollup plan has been created, choose the desired report from the list.
IMPORTANT: Clicking the OK button will assign the selected report’s job group order to all other plans in the container. The process can be cancelled by clicking the Cancel button, but is not reversible once it has been run.
Data Export - This option allows you to export availability data and utilization test results to a tab-delimited text file. This can be convenient for using the data in other programs or systems.
Generate Corporate Executive Summary Report - This option allows you to create a Corporate Executive Summary report (a report that summarizes the availability, goals, and adverse impact results for each plan in the plan container).
NOTE: This option is only available from the Create/Generate Reports stage.
Security - Users - This option will open a window with a table displaying all existing users. From here you may add a new user, edit an existing user, or delete an existing user.
Security - Groups - This option will open a window displaying all existing user groups. Groups are created so you can assign or modify permissions for multiple users at once. From here you may create a new group, edit an existing group, or delete an existing group.
Security - Assignments - This option allows you to assign specific users or groups access to a specific organization, data container, plan container, or plan.