Corporate Executive Summary
This report is a summary of availability, goals, and adverse impact results for each plan in the plan container. Results are given per job group.
NOTE: Job groups that have no goals and no adverse impact will not be included in this report.
Unlike other reports, the Corporate Executive Summary is not available from the list in the Create / Generate Reports stage. From the Create / Generate Reports screen, select Generate Corporate Executive Summary Report from the Tools Menu dropdown in the toolbar.
General Report Options
Fill in the desired report title, header, footer, and select desired display options (suppress snapshot/plan date, print page numbers, allow text wrap, show report created on date).
Report-Specific Options
Utilization Values - Select the desired option:
- Show only Availability (%) - only availability percentages will be shown for females and minorities for each job group.
- Show only Goal (#) - only the number needed to reach the availability goal will be shown for females and minorities for each job group.
- Show both Availability (%) and Goal (#) - Both the availability percentages and number needed to reach the availability goal will be shown for females and minorities for each job group.
Utilization Test - Select the type of utilization test to be run:
- Any Difference: underutilization is declared if there is any difference between the utilization percentage (actual representation) and the availability percentage (expected representation).
- Whole Person: underutilization is declared if the actual representation is at least one whole person lower than the number predicted by the expected representation.
- 80% Rule: underutilization is declared only when the actual representation is less than 80% of the expected representation.
- Standard Deviation: underutilization is declared when the difference between actual and expected representation yields a standard deviation result of 1.96 or higher.
- Exact Binomial: underutilization is declared when the difference between actual and expected representation yields a standard deviation result of 1.96 or higher.
- 80% Rule with Whole Person: underutilization is declared when the expected representation exceeds actual representation by at least one whole person * and* the actual representation is less than 80% of the expected representation.