Security - Users/Groups/Assignments

These options in the tools menu will allow you to create, edit, or remove users, user groups, and user/group assignments (permissions).


To add a new user, click the Add New User button and fill in the following information.  Click the Create button when done.

    NOTE: Changes are saved automatically when the window is closed.

  • Username - This will be entered in the myAAP login screen as the username.
  • Email Address - This is the user's email address, and will be used for password reset purposes if necessary.
  • Full Name - Optional.  You may enter the user’s full name here.
  • Password - This will be entered in the myAAP login screen to access the software.
  • Confirm Password - Re-enter the password to verify.
  • Description - Optional.  You may enter any descriptive text here.
  • Has Master Rights - Provides access to all areas of the organization and all software features, including all options in the Tools Menu.

To edit an existing user (modify any of the user settings listed above), click the Edit button (   ) to the left of the desired user.

To delete an existing user, click the Delete button (   ) to the left of the desired user.  You will be prompted to confirm this action before the user is permanently deleted.


To add a new group, click the Add New Group button and complete the following steps:

  1. Enter a name for the group.  This may be used to describe who is in the group, or what their permissions are.
  2. Drag and drop the desired user or select the desired user and click the  button to move desired user from the All Users section on the left to the Group Users section on the right.
  3. Click Save.

To edit an existing group (modify the group name or members), click the Edit button (   ) to the left of the desired group.

To delete an existing group, click the Delete button (   ) to the left of the desired group.  You will be prompted to confirm this action before the group is permanently deleted.


To add permissions, select the desired organization, data container, plan container, or plan from the ”tree” in the box on the left, then complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Add New Assignment button.
  2. Select the desired user(s) and/or group(s).
  3. Click OK.
  4. Select the desired user and/or group in the permissions section.
  5. Permissions default is set to Read-Only.  If no permissions change is desired, click Close.
  6. If permissions change is desired, switch to Read & Write for the selected user/group.
  7. Click Apply Changes.
  8. Click Close.

To edit/remove permissions, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the desired organization, data container, plan container, or plan on the left side of the screen.
  2. To modify user/group permissions, select the user or group to be modified.
  3. Select between the Read-Only and/or Read & Write boxes.
  4. Click Apply Changes.
  5. To remove a user/group, click the Delete button (  ) next to the user or group you desire to remove.
  6. Click Close.
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