Final Availability Stage
This stage is used to apply weights to all external and internal availability components, or factors, which have been assigned to each job group. Weights are assigned based on an estimate of what percentage of applicants typically comes from each factor. This estimate can be made by asking, ”If there were a vacancy for a position within this job group, based on historical knowledge, what is the likelihood you would recruit locally, nationally, and internally?” All job groups must have weights assigned before reports can be run.
Factors - For each job group, the availability factors (labor areas, feeders, and additional availability) that have been created in previous stages will be listed. These factors are classified as either external or internal.
- External factors are labor areas and/or external additional availability factors.
- Internal factors are feeders and/or internal additional availability factors.
Component Details - Displays detailed data on the availability factors for the selected job group.
Final Availability Details - Displays each of the factors assigned the selected job group (external components and internal components), as well as incumbency versus availability details. This is a convenient way to review utilization results prior to actually creating reports.
Assigning Final Availability Weights
Assign Weights Manually - Use the weight column to assign the appropriate weight to each factor listed. The total weight for all factors must equal 100.00%. This option can be used by itself, or to complete or change information brought in using Apply To/Apply From. Be sure to do any manual assignments after using Apply To/Apply From, as those will replace any data entered manually.
Apply To/Apply From - These options will allow you to apply weights from another plan (such as last year’s plan) to the job groups in this plan, or vice versa. Only exact matches will be applied, so if a job group is not spelled exactly the same in both plans, the weights will not transfer. These options replace any existing weights.
Complete the following steps to apply final availability weights from another plan:
- Click the Apply From button ( ) in the toolbar.
- Select the plan from which you would like to apply final availability.
- Use the Redistribute weight from missing factors checkbox if you want myAAP to automatically redistribute factor weights if the current plan is missing any factors that exist in the other plan. Otherwise, you can manually adjust the weights after they have been assigned.
- Click OK.