Create / Generate Reports Stage
This screen is used to configure reports that will be included in your compiled AAP(s), or to generate and print reports individually.
To create a new report, select the report from one of the sections on the left and drag it to the Defined Reports section on the right. Alternately, you can select a report on the left and use the right arrow button ( ) to move it to the Defined Reports section (using the left arrow button ( ) will remove the selected report from the Defined Reports section).
Moving a report to the Defined Reports section will open a window for the report parameters.
General report options are the same for each report and appear in the top section of the window.
- Report Title - This is the name that will appear at the top of the report (below the header[s], if there are any).
- Report Header - This is custom header text that will appear at the top of the report (below the global header, if one has been entered). If text is entered here, it will override the report header entered in the Organization Options screen.
TIP: To add the plan name to the header of the report, enter the text @PLANNAME.
- Report Footer - This is custom footer text that will appear at the bottom of the report (above the global footer, if one has been entered). If text is entered here, it will override text entered in the Organization Options screen.
- Suppress Snapshot Date - If this option is not checked, the snapshot date (shown below this field) will appear in the upper right corner of each page of the report.
- Suppress Plan Date - If this option is not checked, the plan date (shown below this field) will appear in the upper right corner of each page of the report.
- Print Page Numbers - Check this option to add page numbers to the report. Use the dropdown to select where you would like page numbers to appear.
- Allow Text Wrap - If this option is checked, text within each report field that is too long to fit in the field will wrap to a second line in the field.
- Show Report Created On Date - If this option is checked, the date and time the report was generated will appear at the bottom of each page of the report.
Each report will also have report-specific options. See the page for each report for details on report-specific options:
Optional Reports and Supporting Documentation
Once you have created your reports, you can use the Export Reports screen to generate and download reports in multiple formats from the current plan or all plans within the current plan container. To use this tool, click the export reports icon ( ) in the toolbar, select the desired report(s) and output format (Excel, PDF, or Text delimited). Once you’ve made your selections, click the play icon ( ) to start the export.