Data Type Checks
This stage performs checks on all required fields for valid contents.
Select the Data File to be checked, then click the Run Checks button.
Possible Errors
myAAP will check for a number of errors including:
- date formats - dates cannot include timestamps and must be in a m/d/y format.
- currency formats - salary and other currency fields cannot contain dollar signs ($), and can have no more than two decimal places.
- field lengths - data in fields must not exceed the maximum length (listed in each import file page).
- contents - files cannot be missing any required fields (listed in each import file page) and cannot have blank records (i.e., empty rows/columns in a worksheet).
IMPORTANT: Blank empty records at the end of the import file will trigger errors for "Empty Required Data" on all required fields. You must remove the empty records (i.e., empty rows in a worksheet) and then re-import the file.
Error Summary
This table will list all errors found and the number of records that contain the violation.
NOTE: Click an error in the Error Summary table to display the affected records in the Error Details table.
Error Details
Clicking an error in the Error Summary table will display the affected records in this table. In most cases, you can click in the field that has the error and select the correct data from a dropdown list of options. The dropdown list will contain the acceptable options that were imported from which you may choose the desired data.
After corrections are made, click the Run Checks button again.
Once all checks are passed successfully, click the Save button in the toolbar to save your work.