Guide - Import Data
- Use the Organization File Type drop down box to select which file to bring in. In this case it will be Employee.
- Click on the button under Select a Text File to import.
- Browse to the location of the text versions of your files and select your Employee File.
- Click the Upload File to Server button.
- myAAP will bring in all of the column headers that exist in your Employee File. It will auto-map values to the right if the spelling is identical to the values in the Destination Column.
- All values in bold in the Destination Column are required fields. Link the appropriate values from the Un-mapped Source Columns to the matching Destination Column values by dragging and dropping or using the arrow buttons.
- If your local labor areas are determined by employee zip codes, you will need to map that value.
- If your compensation analysis are going to be run by pay grade, you will need to map that value.
- Once all necessary fields are mapped, click the Import button.
- Now, in the box under Organization File Type, it should say Employee with the number of records that were successfully imported in parenthesis in red text. Verify that this count is correct.
- Repeat these steps for your Applicants, Hires, Promotions, and Terminations files.
- Once all files have been imported, in the bottom left navigation pane, click Data Type Checks.
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