Personnel Transactions Summary

This report shows the movement into, out of, or within each job group based on the transaction data.  These movements, or transactions, are broken up as follows:

  • Applicants - Count of all external applicants.
  • Hires - Count of all individuals hired into the given job group.
  • Terminations (I) - Count of all individuals terminated from the given job group with a termination type of ”involuntary”.
  • Terminations (V) - Count of all individuals terminated from the given job group with a termination type of ”voluntary”.
  • Promotions From - Count of all individuals promoted out of the Job Group, excluding transfers.
  • Promotions Into - Count of all individuals promoted into the Job Group, excluding transfers.
  • Promotions Within - Count of all individuals promoted within the Job Group, excluding transfers.

General Report Options

Fill in the desired report title, header, footer, and select desired display options (suppress snapshot/plan date, print page numbers, allow text wrap, show report created on date).

Report-Specific Options

Include Competitive Promotions (From and Within) - Check this option to include counts of all individuals promoted from and within the given job group and have a promotion type of ”competitive”.  These counts are for transactions in the current plan only.

Job Group(s) to Print - Check the box next to the specific job groups to be included in the report, or check the box in the column header to select all job groups.  

NOTE: Job Groups will appear on the report in the same order shown here (alphabetically by default).  To change the order, click to select a job group, and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to move the group up or down the list.

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