Job Table Stage
This stage is used to manage job groups within each plan. When this screen is accessed for the first time, jobs from all import files (employee file and transaction files) will be listed, but only the job code, job title, and EEO category information will be automatically assigned based on the previously imported files. Each job code must now be assigned a job group (job group code and job group name) and at least one census code. Because job groups and census codes may vary from plan to plan, these must be assigned separately in each plan.
Assigning Job Groups and Census Codes
Assign Jobs From External Job File (Recommended) - The assign jobs option is available on the toolbar ( ) and will allow you to assign job code, job group code, job group name, and census codes to all jobs at one time using an external jobs file. Map header fields in bold are required fields.
Your external job file should be a master list of all job titles containing all of the information listed below. Data in the files can contain letters, numbers, or both unless specifically noted. You may create a separate file for each plan, or create one file that contains all jobs within the organization (recommended).
Field Name | Max Length | Req'd? | Description |
Job Code | 50 | Y | A unique code for each job. Each job title must have a unique job code (there cannot be two job titles with the same job code). |
Job Title | 128 | N | The job title associated with each job code. Each job title must have a unique job code (there cannot be two job titles with the same job code). |
Census Code 1 | 4 | Y |
The census occupation code assigned to the job title. This information is used to calculate availability.
NOTE: Census codes must be formatted as four-digit numbers (i.e., 0010) and cannot contain letters.
Census Code 2 | 4 | N | Another census code assigned to the employee’s job title. Contents are not required in this field, but the column must be present in the file. |
Census Code 3 | 4 | N | Another census code assigned to the employee’s job title. Contents are not required in this field, but the column must be present in the file. |
Census Code 4 | 4 | N | Another census code assigned to the employee’s job title. Contents are not required in this field, but the column must be present in the file. |
Census Code 5 | 32 | N | Another census code assigned to the employee’s job title. Contents are not required in this field, but the column must be present in the file. |
Job Group Code | 50 | Y | Code indicating the job group to which the job title belongs. Depending on the size of your organization, this can be a subgroup of, or the same as, the EEO category. |
Job Group Name | 128 | Y | The name of the job group that matches the job group code. |
Once you have created your job file(s), complete the following steps to assign jobs:
- Click Assign Jobs ( ) in the toolbar.
- Select ”Assign jobs from external job file” from the dropdown.
- Click the Browse button to select a text file to import (be sure to select the correct Text Delimiter from the dropdown).
- Click the File Upload button to bring in data from your job file.
- Data that matches myAAP's job table headers will automatically be mapped for you. Automatically mapped values can be changed and unmapped values can be mapped using the dropdowns. Fields in bold are required and must be mapped before continuing.
- If your file applies to all plans, check the box labeled ”Apply to every plan in this plan container”.
- Check the box labeled ”I understand this is not reversible”.
- Click ”Assign”.
Auto-Assign Jobs From Database - The assign jobs option is available on the toolbar ( ) and will allow you to automatically assign job group code, job group name, and census codes to all jobs at one time using data currently in the system (from the employee and transaction files).
NOTE: This option will only work if appropriate job information (job group code, job group name, job census code 1) was included in the employee and transaction files.
Complete the following steps to assign jobs:
- Select Assign Jobs in the toolbar.
- Select ”Auto-Assign Jobs from Database” from the dropdown.
- Check the box labeled ”I understand this is not reversible”.
- Click ”Assign”.
Assign Jobs Manually - Manual assignments will have to be completed for each plan. This option can also be used if you need to make any changes after you’ve auto-assigned jobs.
- Job Titles: To add or modify a job title, click in the job title field and type the appropriate job title.
- Job Groups: To assign or modify a job group, click in the job group field and use the dropdown list to select the appropriate job group. If no job groups appear on the drop down list, or you wish to create a new job group, use the Edit Job Groups button on the toolbar ( ) to create groups to populate the drop down list. Remember, if job groups are in the imported employee file, it is best auto-assign jobs first.
- EEO Categories: This information will automatically populate based on the employee and transaction files. To modify an EEO category, click in the EEO category field and use the dropdown list to select the appropriate EEO category. The EEO categories available in this list are based on the type of EEO category that was selected when the organization was created (private employer, state & local government, or higher education).
IMPORTANT: Changing a job’s EEO Category in this stage will affect all plans in this data container.
- Census Codes: To assign or modify a census code, click in the census codes field and use the browse button ( ) to get to the Census Code Assignments screen and follow the steps below:
- Use the job title dropdown to select the desired job.
- Use Code, Name, and EEO Group fields to help you find the appropriate census code.
- Move the desired census code(s) to the Assigned Codes section using the right arrow button. Use the left arrow button to remove any unwanted codes.
- Once you have all desired census codes in the Assigned Codes section, assign each code a weight. You can do this manually, or use the Assign Weights Evenly button. The total weight must equal 100%.
- Repeat steps 1-4 for all desired job titles, and click Save.
Export Jobs
You may export the data from the job table using the Export Jobs button ( ) in the toolbar. Jobs can be exported in two ways:
- As a text document matching the format used by the Assign from Job File functionality. This file can be updated and used to re-assign jobs if necessary.
- As a text, word, or PDF document containing all job information, including census weights and the number of employees.
Once you select an export option, a save dialogue box will appear and allow you to save the file to your computer.