Edit / View / Export Plan Data Stage

This optional stage allows you to view, edit, and export data that has been imported into the selected plan.  Employee, applicant, hires, promotions, and terminations data will be available.

View Data

Use the File Type dropdown to select which data you would like to view.  The View All tab will list all records in the selected file.  The View Single tab will list all information for a single record, and records can be viewed one-by-one.

Adding Filters - Use the Filter button (  ) in the toolbar at the top of the screen to filter the data displayed:

  1. Use the Field dropdown to select the field on which to filter (i.e., gender).
  2. Use the Comparison dropdown to select the type of filter.
    • = equals
    • <> not equal to
    • < less than
    • > greater than
    • <= less than or equal to
    • >= greater than or equal to
  3. Enter the Value to compare the field to (i.e., Female).
  4. Click Apply to add the filter to the Applied Filters box.
  5. To add an additional comparison to the filter, select a Conjunction (and, or) and then complete steps 1-4.
  6. When all desired filters are added, click Ok to return to the view screen with just filtered data displayed.

Edit Data

Editing data must be done in the View Single tab.  Find the record you would like to make changes to, then update the desired data.

TIP: The easiest way to edit a record is to find the desired record in the View All tab, select it there, and then click the View Single tab to edit the selected record.

Export Data

You may export desired data from myAAP.  Complete the following steps to export data:

  1. Select the desired File Type from the dropdown.
  2. Click the Export button (  ) in the toolbar at the top of the screen.
  3. A standard Save As window will appear. Open the file or click Save.
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