Create Plans
After data has been imported and transferred, and a plan container has been created, this stage is used to create plan names and link imported data to the plan(s).
The screen is broken into two sections:
- Values list box (left side) - These are the data elements that need to be assigned to plans. For establishment type plan containers, these values come from the selection sites in the imported files. For functional type plan containers, these values will come from the Organizational Unit field (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) in the imported employee file, which was designated as the plan splitter when the plan container was created. For rollup type plans, there will be no Values list box, as all employees will be included in one plan.
- Plans list box (right side) - All the plans created so far will be listed here. Values need to be linked to the plans.
Automatically Create Plans
If each value (selection sites for establishment plans, organizational units for functional plans) needs to be in its own plan, then you can use the Auto option. The Auto option will automatically create a separate plan for each value listed on the left when the Create button is clicked. The value in the list on the left side of the screen will be used as the plan name. For Rollup type plans, one plan will be created automatically to include all imported data.
NOTE: The Auto option will only be available if no plans currently exist in the list box on the right.
Manually Create Plans
To create a plan manually, type a name in the Plan Name field, then click the Create button. The new plan will appear in the list box on the right side of the screen. Continue creating plans until all needed plans are listed.
Establishment type Plan Containers - The list box on the left will show all sites derived from the imported data (employee, applicant, hires, etc.). Both selection sites and current sites will be listed. Create plan names manually, and then assign the values (sites) to the correct plan (click and drag each value to its plan).
Functional type Plan Containers - The list box on the left will show the contents of the field designated as the plan splitter. This is the Organizational Unit field selected when the plan container was created.
Rollup type Plan Containers - One plan is created automatically and all employees will be included in the one plan. You will be prompted to name the plan.
Link Data to Plan(s)
After plans are created, click and drag values from the Values list box to the desired plan. Alternately, you can click the desired value then the desired plan, then click the Add button. The selected Value will be moved below the selected plan. Multiple values may be linked to the same plan, if appropriate.
TIP: To unlink a value from a plan, click the value under the plan and use the left arrow button to move it back to the Values list box or click or drag the value out of the Plans list box.
Click the Save button to save the assignments or click the Next button and you will be prompted to save the data.
NOTE: To delete a plan, select it in the navigation tree, then select Delete Plan on the File menu. This will not delete the imported data from the Data Container.