Create / Edit / Delete an Organization
In myAAP, data and plans for all years is stored within a container referred to as the organization.
The File menu on the toolbar at the top of the screen also has options for Create Organization, Edit Organization, and Delete Organization.
Create Organization
Selecting Create Organization will display the screen where you can enter options for a new organization.
Organization Name - Enter a name for the organization. The name here is typically the name of your company.
EEO Category - Select which type of EEO categories your organization uses. Options pertain specifically to the type of organization: Private Employers, State & Local Government, or Higher Education. The selection here determines which EEO categories will be used throughout myAAP.
Global Header - Enter text that you would like to appear at the top of all reports. This is typically the name of the organization as you would like it to appear on reports. Each report may also have an additional header specific to that report should you choose.
Global Footer - Enter text that you would like to appear at the bottom of each report. Each report may also have an additional footer specific to that report should you choose.
Once all fields are complete, click the Save button on the toolbar to save the entries.
Once an organization has been created you can create a data container and begin importing data.
Edit Organization
Selecting Edit Organization will display the same screen for creating an organization, with two additional sections of information. You may edit any of the information that was entered when the container was created (other than EEO category), and click the Save button on the toolbar when you are done.
NOTE: EEO category type cannot be changed once the organization has been created.
Report Configuration - Here you can set an additional header and/or footer specific to each report. These can also be added when you create the individual reports.
TIP: To have the plan name appear in the header of the reports, enter @PLANNAME.
Wage Type Multipliers - This table displays what the salary amounts will be multiplied by to calculate annual salary based on the wage type supplied. These will default to standard values based on a 40-hour work week. To make changes, click the multiplier amount and enter desired multiplier.
Click the Save button when you are done to save your changes.
Delete Organization
To totally remove an organization and all data containers and plan containers within it, select the desired organization from the organization dropdown, then select Delete Organization from the File Menu in the toolbar. The selected organization will be removed completely.
WARNING: Deleting an organization will completely delete all data containers and plan containers within that organization.