Action-Oriented Programs

Easily create Action-Oriented Programs for placement goals. Starting with a list of all placement goals for a given year, determine the potential cause and set out a plan of action to address it. In the event of an audit, your Action-Oriented Programs can be exported to include in your audit submission.

Adding/Editing Entries

There are three ways to add or edit entries:

  1. Double click in the row you would like to edit
  2. Click the pencil icon at the end of the row you would like to edit
  3. Select the checkmark next to the row you would like to edit and then click "Edit" at the top left side of the table
    1. TIP: Use this method if you'd like to add the same Action-Oriented Program for multiple goals

Other Functionality

  • Export: Select one or more rows using the checkboxes on the left, then click "Export" at the top right of the table
  • Sort and Filter Table: Click on table headers to sort and filter
  • Change Number of Rows Displayed: Change number of rows displayed using the options at the bottom of the table
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