Census Data Lookup

Our Census Data module allows you to quickly and easily look up gender and race availability data from the EEO Census Data.

This data is used to calculate external availability, and can give you a good idea of what your workforce should look like based on the civilian labor force nationwide, or for a specific area.

Select Data Source:

Step 1: Select which tabulation year you want to see

  • 2006 - 2010 tabulation
  • 2014 - 2018 tabulation
    • Note: This is the most current available data and is used in all BCG AAPs as of 12/31/2021
  • 2010 vs. 2018 Comparison: see how representation has changed over time, and if that may contribute to any changes to your placement goals
    • Note: This is a premium exclusive feature. Learn more about our Premium Technology package available exclusively to BCG clients

Step 2: Select which data set you want to see:

  • EEO 1R: Census Occupation for Residence Geography
  • EEO 9W: Census Occupation for Worksite Geography - Information (available for 2014-2018 data only)
  • EEO 9W: Census Occupation for Worksite Geography - Manufacturing

Step 3: Select the geographical area

  • National (US)
  • State
  • County/County Set
  • CBSA


  • Results are displayed in data table and chart formats. By default, only percentages are shown, but you can choose to show counts instead of or in addition to percentages.
  • Results can be filtered by Occupation Code(s) or EEO Category
  • Export the results into Excel (data only), PDF, or PNG
    • Tip: Print page allows you to export exactly what's shown on your screen; Export All allows you to export the data and corresponding charts at once as separate files.
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