Good Faith Efforts
This tool allows you and your recruiters to track and document all of your organization’s good faith efforts and outreach activities in an easy-to-read grid format.
Link activities to various data points for better reporting:
- Date: date of activity
- Activity/Service/Website: name of the outreach activity of the service or website used to facilitate outreach
- Brief Description: brief description of activity or service
- Protected Group: which group(s) does the outreach activity target?
- Attachments: Attach any relevant documents such as a screenshot of the job posting, flier for the event, etc.
- User: this field will automatically populate with the name of the user entering the information
- Plan/Location: this field can be used to specify a specific plan or AAP location
- Unit: this field can be used to specify a specific business unit, line of business, etc.
- Region: this field can be used to specify a specific region
- Job(s): This field can be used to link this activity to a specific job(s) if applicable
- Job Group(s): This field can be used to link this activity to a specific job group(s) if applicable
- Requisition #: This field can be used to link this activity to a specific Requisition #
Optional fields to evaluate activities with a rating scale, written explanation, and additional criteria:
- Effectiveness (Scale): Scale rating of how effective you found the activity
- Evaluation: describe how you evaluate the effectiveness of this activity
- # of Candidates: Specify how many candidates you received from this activity.
- # of Hires: Specify how many hires were made related to this activity.
- Hours Spent: Specify how many hours were spent on this activity.
- Cost: Specify how much the activity cost.
Click "Import" to import entries from .xlsx, .csv, or .txt file.
Add/Edit Entries
Click "Add" to create a new entry, or select the checkbox next to an existing entry and click "Edit"
A pop-up will appear for easy data entry. Click "Save" when done, or "Cancel" to undo any changes.
You can download your Good Faith Efforts log as Excel or PDF.
- Select which entries to include in the export using the checkboxes on the left side of the table. Use the checkbox in the table header to select all entries.
- Once your desired entries are selected, click the dropdown arrow on the Download button
- Select your desired file format
Table Options
This pop-up allows you to specify which available fields should be included in your Outreach Activities log table.
- Use the checkboxes to include/exclude the desired fields.
- Use the icon in the Order column to drag and drop fields into desired display order.
- NOTE: This is a premium feature. Contact us for more information.
- Use the Custom Field button to add custom fields.
- NOTE: This is a premium feature. Contact us for more information
Click "Save" when done, or "Cancel" to undo your changes.
By default, the table includes the following fields:
- Date
- Activity/Service/Website
- Brief Description
- Targeted Group
- Effectiveness (Scale)
- Evaluation
- Attachments
- User
The following fields are required by the OFCCP and cannot be excluded:
- Date
- Activity/Service/Website
- Brief Description
- Evaluation
The "Apply Settings to All Analysis Models" checkbox allows you to update the included table fields for all analysis models at one time. Please note that this will override any custom table settings the other Analysis Model(s) have.
NOTE: The Table Options pop-up is only available to admin users. Please contact us if you need assistance.