My Organization - Users

My Organization - Users

This section allows you to view and manage all users with access to your organizations data. The screen is divided into two columns: User List (left) and User Properties (right).

Users List

All current users will be listed in the list on the left.

Add: Allows you to create a new user

NOTE: Organizations using SAML SSO can only add users that exist in your SSO system. If a user is deleted from/disabled in your SSO system, they will lose access to the Portal.

Delete: Allows you to delete the selected user

Search: Allows you to search for a specific user based on name (first/last)

Managing Users

When you add or select a user, the user properties will appear in the box on the right. Click Save when you are finished making changes.

Access Report: Download a report (.xlsx) of all current users and their module and data access permissions.

Personal Details:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Password
    • NOTE: Organizations using SAML SSO cannot manage user passwords via the Portal. Password management must happen within your SSO system.

Module Access: Select which modules the user will be able to use. In some cases, you may give access to individual sections of a module rather than the entire module.

NOTE: Modules are limited based on your organization, so you may not see all of the below options listed for your organization.

  • BCGi OpenAccess
  • Dashboard
    • Standard Reports (included free for all clients)
    • Premium Reports (available with our Premium Technology package)
    • Pay Equity Reports
  • Files
    • Data
    • Reports
    • Documents
  • myAAP (automatically selects My Organization Analysis Models, Plans & Units, Data Sets)
  • My Organization
    • Analysis Models, Plans & Units, Data Sets (automatically selected and cannot be de-selected if myAAP module is selected)
    • Users
  • Compliance To-Dos
    • Annual Checklist
    • Action-Oriented Programs
    • Good Faith Efforts
  • My Audits
  • Census Data Premium (available with our Premium Technology package)

Data Access: Select what data users will have access to within their specified modules.

  • Standard User: User will only have access to data for the specified plan(s).
    • Not available if myAAP or any My Organization access is selected
  • Full Access Analysis Model: User will have access to all plans within the specified analysis model(s). Data access will be automatically applied to plans and units created at any time within the specified analysis model(s).
    • If My Organization Analysis Models, Plans and Units, Data Sets is selected:
      •   Analysis Models: user may view and manage selected Analysis Model(s) only
      •   Plans & Units: user may create and manage plans & units within selected analysis model(s)
      •   Data Sets: user may create and manage data sets within selected analysis model(s)
    •  If My Organization -  Users is selected: user may view, create, and manage users within selected analysis model(s) only
    • All other modules: user can view and manage data within selected analysis model(s) only
  • Full Access Organization: User will have access to all data within the organization. Data access will be automatically applied to analysis models, plans, and units created at any time.
  • BCGi No Data: User will not have access to any project data.
    • Option only available if BCGi OpenAccess is the only selected module under Module Access.
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