Files Overview

The files module is secure file sharing designed for our clients, equipped with customizable access, activity notifications, and custom share links.

NOTE: Access to the Files module is managed in a central location by your organization's administrator(s) or your consultant. Contact for more information.


Our system is separated into three main sections, which are displayed as tabs above the file list:

  • Data – Store and share data related to your projects.
  • Reports – Store and share finalized AAPs and other project reports.
  • Documents – Store and share miscellaneous documents related to your projects.


File actions are available in the Action Bar at the top of the file list, or on the far right side of each row.

Action Bar:

In-Row Menu:

Available options are dependent on the current folder, row, or selected item(s):

  • Open Folder – click on the name of a folder to open it. 
  • Upload Files – upload files into the open folder.
  • Download Files – download the selected file(s) or folder. Clicking the name of a file will automatically download that file.
  • Delete – delete the currently selected item(s). If a folder is selected, all subfolders and items within the folder will also be deleted.
  • Get Link – generate a link to:
    • Only Upload Files: Link will allow users to upload file(s) to the specified folder as permitted by existing user data access.
    • Only Download Files: Link will allow users to download selected file(s) as permitted by existing user data access.
    • View Folder: Link will direct user to specified folder as permitted by existing user data access.
  • Add Folder – create a subfolder within the selected folder.
  • Move Item – move the selected item(s) into a different folder.
  • Settings - manage settings for a folder
    •  Email Notifications: receive emails when files are uploaded to and/or downloaded from the selected folder.
    • Viewing Options: choose whether to show or hide plan and unit folders, or to hide all empty folders. 

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