Availability Analysis Method
Also known as a binomial test, this method is a comparison of the observed proportion of a population (or outcome) to the expected proportion of the population (or outcome). In an adverse impact analysis of hires, binomial test is sometimes conducted when a reliable applicant data is absent and therefore, the employer may compare the proportion of its female hires (observed) to female’s external availability (expected). In promotion and termination analyses, the proportions of a group’s promotions/terminations are compared to the proportion of that group who are available to get promoted/terminated. Statistically significant result is triggered when the difference between the observed and expected proportions of a single group is considered extreme enough that is was unlikely to happen ”by chance.”
Availability Analysis (Manual) - Manually enter data to compare those who completed a process (such as hires) to the pool of those available for the job (may be final availability or another form of availability). Complete the following steps to run manual availability analysis:
- Enter the numbers for each gender group and race group who were selected during a process. Depending on transaction type, this would be those who were hired for a job, those promote, or those retained.
- Enter the availability percentage for each gender group and race group for the process. Depending on transaction type, this would be those who applied for a job, were available for promotion, or were available for termination. The Total Gender and Total Race entries must be equal.
- Enter Analysis Type to Appear on Report (i.e., Applicants vs. Hires).
Availability Analysis (Query) - Use data that has already been imported and/or entered into myAAP to compare those who completed a process (such as hires) to the pool of those available for the job (may be final availability or another form of availability). Complete the following steps to run query availability analysis:
- Click the Set Count button.
- Use the Count Data dropdown to select the data that applies to the desired analysis. Depending on transaction type, this would be Employees, Hires, or Promotions.
- Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons if you wish to re-arrange the order of the job groups.
- Enter the minimum number of transactions required for the report in the Generate report for groups with X transactions or more. This number is defaulted to 0 and show all job groups if not changed.
- Click Save.
- Click the Set Available % button. Count Data options in this box will automatically populate based on the options selected in the Set Count section. You may make changes in the Availability section, or continue as is.
- Click Save.